Liv's 2021 News Draft: Top 5 Picks for Media Outlets This Year

I want you to think of the entirety of the news and media world as if it was the NFL. Each outlet or resource of information is a different team, its employees acting as its star players, differing only in size and pay grade from the actual football pros. The chief editors and CEOs are the coaches and you are simply a spectator, watching the game unfold. Each year, millions of individuals spend time creating fantasy football leagues full of the best teams and players. So, although I have no knowledge about how the game actually works, I do have some insight of the news world today. Thus, I am going to tell you my top 5 drafts picks for this year and where you should ultimately be looking to get your information. 

1. NPR
    Bias is ubiquitous. No matter where you go, what you hear or see, or who tells you, bias will always be present. This is true of almost any news or media outlet as well. Yet, there are those that work to pay attention to this and consciously provide information that can reflect a variety of views and opinions. National Public Radio, or NPR, is one of those. I have been listening to NPR with my dad for years and find it a reputable source that simply tries its best to report on the facts of today's world, no matter the side, country, or topic. Covering a wide span of interests from politics to art, NPR offers articles and podcasts that can work to increase your knowledge of what is going on in the world around you on a daily basis. I find the outlet to be a dedicated source that works to report the truth, leaving me never to question the validity of its statements and accuracy of its pieces. 

2. Women's Wear Daily 
    If you are a fashion lover like me, the tabloids and magazines have now become outdated and cyclical. The same models and runway shows are printed amongst an obscure number of advertisements for products and brands that are slowly becoming obsolete. The true news of the fashion world has been consumed by marketing, but not for Women's Wear Daily. Changing the game, this news outlet works to highlight all aspects of the fashion industry. There are still your classic trend reports and runway critiques, but more than that, the site features business articles that contain updates on anything from mergers and acquisitions to the legal battles between the clothing world's biggest names. It even goes against its title and produces pieces on menswear and even the newest beauty products. For those interested in any aspect of the industry, WWD has more than average gossip and ads, it makes an effort to remove the veil and show the true ins and outs of the fashion world. 

3. The Innocence Project
    In recent years, I have grown to become infatuated with the United States' justice system. With this, I quickly discovered the stories that many often sweep under the rug: the mistakes. After listening to several different podcasts highlighting efforts to exonerate innocent men from death row, I came across a non-profit organization known as The Innocence Project. Together, a group of lawyers, DNA analysts, and researchers had started a joint effort to right injustices that had taken place within the system. Most of the stories are ones that are not featured on public television and some you likely will never hear about. Yet, The Innocence Project commits itself to publishing updates on its cases on its website. In the last year, I have relied on these articles for information not only about specific individuals and their journeys, but also because they often provide insight to changes that are happening at all levels of the justice system. They also provide ample information concerning where our system failed many innocent people, how they did so, and the advocacy movements for change in those respects. 

4. ABC World News 
    Since I was little, my parents and I have watched ABC World News at the dinner table each evening. For many years, it became customary and much of the information went straight over my head. Yet, more recently, I have found the outlet to be quite reputable and unbiased in its coverage. ABC also makes an explicit effort to have global coverage. Many of the stories that are featured are located outside of the United States and a conscious effort to inform Americans about world issues and matters is consistently made. The balance between national and global stories is one that I admire and a reason why I prefer to get a majority of my world news from ABC. 

5. Salisbury Post 
    While average city newspapers have arguably become obsolete, they are still widely used by a large number of the population in order to gain information about the places which they may call home. My family still receives our local newspaper every week, thrown onto the end of our driveway by an underpaid employee of the Post and picked up by my Dad on his way to work. While many who may read this may not be residents of Salisbury, North Carolina, local newspapers are still prominent around the country and likely in your hometown. They serve as a great way to stay in touch with local politics, up-to-date on notable changes to the community, and aware of important happenings and people that may have occurred or visited within the week. I know that for as long as the Post serves its weekly bundle of articles, I will be using them as a source of news in my daily life. 
